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MakeHers: Engaging Girls and Women in Technology

Intel’s “MakeHers: Engaging Girls and Women in Technology through Making, Creating and Inventing” report was created in consultation with experts including the Girl Scouts and Maker Education. It is Intel’s latest effort to support the maker community and increase access to and interest in computer science and engineering, especially among girls and women. The report indicates that girls and women involved with making, designing and creating things with electronic tools may build stronger interest and skills in computer science and engineering. Read the full report at

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Women in Business and Work-Life Balance

Business Connections Live from the UK talks to networking and business expert Michelle Turner-Davidson of Later Than You Think, who brings her expert tips for work-life balance, especially for women.

She discusses her path through dancing and health and fitness to educating people. Now, her passion is helping educate people running business about how to achieve the most effective and happiest balance.

Managing yourself can be difficult if business owners are transitioning from working for someone to being self employed and are used to having others manage them in the corporate world, Turner-Davidson points out. When the buck stops with you and you want to run it all, there are some key things to remember:

  • Perfection is a myth. You can't have it all.
  • Define exactly what success means to you in business and in life.
  • Become self-aware. Know your strengths and know the strengths of others around you.
  • Collaborate, rather than compete, whenever possible.
  • Children are the entrepreneurs of the future.
  • Be YOU. Network and build your tribe of like-minded people.

Business Connections Live TV is a weekly interactive live business television channel dedicated to helping businesses grow with advice from successful business owners, managers and entrepreneurs. See the latest at their website, or watch past episodes on YouTube. Find more advice on thriving in your business and life at Later Than You Think, and follow Michelle Turner-Davidson on Twitter.

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Top 10 Power Moves for Women Entrepreneurs

Award-winning television and radio personality and money, media and marketing coach Monique Caradine shares ten winning moves for women entrepreneurs, counting down from No. 10:

10. Rub shoulders with millionaires regularly. Find networking events where you can meet and greet these movers and shakers.

9. Build your team. You don't have to do everything yourself! "Get brillian people who will support you and move you forward," Caradine says.

8. Build community among your ideal clients. Use Facebook and Twitter as tools to connect with new people and lead the conversation in your industry.

7. Go after bigger clients. Aim high, and see what happens!

6. Create a high-end offer. A distinctive product you can use to attract top-tier clients, bring in revenue and highlight the value in what you provide.

5. Raise your fees. While it might be counterintuitive, you must raise your fees to communicate that as you grow your business and expertise, it will cost clients more to "invest in themselves through you," says Caradine. "Give yourself permission to charge what you are worth and get it."

4. Invest in high-level coaching. Coaching and mentoring build the team you need to help "spot" you as you reach for success.

3. Get style advice to always look your best. Looking your best will help you make a good impression while you're rubbing shoulders with those millionaires.

2. Automate and create systems. Even if your business is small, it pays off to increase its efficiency so it can run smoothly, even when you're not around.

1. Finally write your book. Share your wisdom with the world—so they can benefit, and so you can attract more clients and influential people to your network.

Caradine is on a mission to "empower women entrepreneurs to stop being the 'best-kept secret' and start influencing their market, getting known in the media and making fabulous money." Visit her website, follow her on Twitter and like her on Facebook.

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Women Entrepreneurship In India - A Successful Paradigm Shift In Female Enterprise

Dr. Sumita Datta of SP Jain Institute's Family Managed Business (FMB) Program shares her views on the changing images of Indian women; from the negative stereotypes faced by women in business to the rise of female entrepreneurship in India.

There are many preconceptions about women in India; including illiteracy, discrimination, exploitation and more; but a narrative has been emerging that puts Indian women entrepreneurs in the role of business leaders.

Datta draws on her 13 years of expertise to comment on the factors responsible for this shift toward emerging women entrepreneurship in India. She sees a number of factors contributing to the trend. For instance, family structures have in recent years changed from joint to nuclear families, with women placed as more significant partners in providing income for their families. Combined with factors like increased education for women and increased exposure to business, many more Indian women are confident and motivated to lead.

There are still many challenges. including the conflict that can arise while managing a business while managing life transitions such as children, marriage and caregivers' duties. The center also interviewed several successful entrepreneurs about what helps them succeed in business and in their lives.

Their experiences paint a picture of organic growth into family business after childhood introductions, of passion and earned expertise and respect after overcoming bias, of balancing acts between work and home life—and of a rising tide of women entrepreneurs in India, made strong by their challenges.

"I think I truly believe that being a woman in business, especially your own family business, adds that added emotional angle to the business ... The reason they have the edge is the passion that drives the business," says Priti Gupta, executive director of Anand Rathi Financial Services. Entrepreneurs interviewed include:

Visit the S.P. Jain Institute Post Graduate Program in Family Managed Business to learn more.

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