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The Amazing Women Building Tech Networks in the Middle East

Women and girls in the Middle East have many sources of support to turn to--largely because women are raising each other up and starting organizations to empower women and girls with finances, education, relationships, resources and more. Project: GirlSpire share shared a couple of groups stared by inspiring women activists in the region. Read the first one below, and click through to read about other amazing organizations for women in the Middle East. - All across the Middle East, women are revolutionizing their local societies, becoming prominent leaders in a variety of fields, including tech. Not only are women entering tech in larger numbers, but they are also using their presence to help other women start a career in the industry. Here are some Middle Eastern tech-centric organizations by women, for women:


Professor Sana Odeh is the founder and chair of Arab Women in Computing (ArabWIC), which aims to “elevate the status of Arab women in computing, and allow them to achieve their career goals.” The group, which was founded in 2012, also works to create networks between groups of women in the computing sector. Specifically, ArabWIC holds an annual conference on Arab women in computing and provides a mentoring program to new computer science students and graduates.

ArabWIC raises awareness for the unique problems faced by Arab women working in the tech industry and is currently developing scholarships for female graduate students in computer science. Their leaders include women from all over the Middle East who share a common focus on creating a better environment for women in the field of computing.

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