Facebook looks at women's safety online at Kenya roundtable
Starting on World Internet Day on Feb. 9, Facebook introduced a global effort focusing on women's safety with a roundtable in Kenya. The meeting included non-governmental organizations, academics, activists and more from across Sub-Saharan Africa. The Internet connects us all--but it can also be a place where users, especially women, are harassed and violated. Everyone deserves privacy, respect and safety, online and off, so we're happy to see roundtables and like these emerging as part of a worldwide conversation on safety and respect.
Read the introduction here and click through for more information.
IT News Africa - Facebook has kicked off a global effort on women's safety in Kenya by hosting a Women's Safety roundtable in Kenya with participants from NGOs, academia, women's rights groups, and safety organisations from Kenya and across Sub-Saharan Africa.
The roundtable highlighted how the community can work together to create a harassment-free online environment where everyone can feel safe to share and interact. It coincided with Safer Internet Day 09 February, a 100-country effort to make the internet a better place for everyone who uses it.
The Kenyan roundtable was the first to be held around the world, with others to follow in Ireland, the Middle East, India and the US. The focus was on addressing the issues of online harassment of women.
Read the whole story here.