Read The Women's March On Washington's Beautifully Intersectional Policy Platform


We were encouraged and excited to see that the upcoming Women's March on Washington—planned as a main march in Washington, D.C. together with sister marches around the United States and elsewhere in the world—proudly proclaims that marchers advocate for all women. The Intersectional Policy Platform, an outline of the goals of the march, is truly intersectional: recognizing activists that came before, keeping in mind those who will follow, and recognizing women of color, LGBTQ women, and many more. Read on for more, check out the Women’s March on Washington, or read the entire platform here. We look forward to seeing more activism like this: Civil rights conversations (and fights) that reflect the needs of everyone. - The organizers of the Women’s March on Washington just released a four-page document outlining the principles and goals of the protest, and it’s the definition of intersectional feminism.

The Women’s March will take place on Saturday, Jan. 21 in DC with sister marches all over the country (and world) to “affirm our shared humanity and pronounce our bold message of resistance and self-determination,” according to the official platform. After a rocky start, the organizers have put together an inclusive and intersectional policy platform.

The document lays out the march’s purpose, values and principles, and gives an important nod to movements that came before them: the suffragists and abolitionists, the America Indian Movement, the Civil Rights era, Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street and the fight for LGBTQ rights.

“Our liberation is bound in each other’s,” the platform states. “The Women’s March on Washington includes leaders of organizations and communities that have been building the foundation for social progress for generations. We welcome vibrant collaboration and honor the legacy of the movements before us.”

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