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Your Beauty, Your Say
Women and girls around the world are feeling more anxious about their bodies than ever before, according to new research from The Dove Global Beauty and Confidence report.
In 2015, only 47% of women said that they were confident in their beauty, compared to 52% in 2010.
In order to promote positive self-esteem, Dove created the “My Beauty, My Say” campaign, which shares the stories of nine real, inspiring women who overcame the barriers society was placing on them because of how they look.
“These women refused to allow what others think about their appearance to stop them from achieving their goals in life,” explains Diane Laberge, Marketing Director at Unilever Canada.
One of the real women showcased in the #MyBeautyMySay campaign is Heather, a 26-year old boxer from the Bronx. “They said…I was too pretty to fight,” she shares in the moving commercial. “I said…my face has nothing to do with my boxing.” To date, Heather’s won four professional boxing championships.