50 Captivating Photos Of Girls Going To School Around The World

These photos, shared for International Women's Day, show girls around the world are dedicated to getting an education. It's our job to make sure they can.

Access to education is a huge issue around the world, particularly for girls--who face obstacles even above their male counterparts through lack of resources, preconceptions about girls, obligations outside of school, stigma against mestruation, and much more. No matter the country, culture, or gender, everyone deserves an education.

Click through to see the photos.

huffingtonpost.com - All children should have the right to get an education -- no matter their gender.

Globally, 65 million girls are not in school. Of the 774 million people who are illiterate around the world, two-thirds are women. There are 33 million fewer girls in primary school than boys.

Why does this matter? Research shows that educating girls can save millions of lives, including the lives of young girls around the world.

The statistics are startling: If every woman around the globe had a primary and secondary education, child deaths would be cut in half, saving 3 million people. A girl with eight years of education is four times less likely to marry as a child. If a girl earned just one extra year of education, she can earn 20 percent more as an adult.

To celebrate International Women's Day on March 8, we've rounded up 50 photos of girls going to school around the world.

The photos feature girls of all ages from China, Palestine, Kenya and more, getting an education. Whether they're walking to school with friends or excited about learning something new in class, these photos are proof that all children should have the right to get an education, no matter their gender.

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