Boards unprepared to deal with sexual harassment, survey shows
Bizwomen - Survey: Boards won't deal with harassment
By: Jennifer Elias
Photo: Vicki Thompson
October 31, 2017
After a long summer of sexual harassment scandals that rocked companies in Silicon Valley and nationally, many board members are ill-prepared to deal with sexism, a new survey finds.
The Boardlist, a Bay Area company that produces an index for female board members, teamed with data analytics company Qualtrics to survey more than 600 private and public company directors to see how they planned to enact changes after repeated sexual harassment scandals in the technology industry.
The survey's findings suggest that many corporate leaders are still unprepared and unaware of issues around sexism and harassment at their companies.
Many respondents are also in denial that those issues are board-level problems, the survey findings suggest.