Trailblazing Women: Paulina Sygulska, Co-founder GrantTree

78e0dfe94027539077e9ec762dfd6255.png - This interview is part of a series on Trailblazing Women role models (Entrepreneurs and Leaders) from around the world and first appeared on Global Invest Her. You have to see what you can be.

"All in all, being an entrepreneur is an absolutely fascinating journey of personal and professional self-discover, incomparable with any other career path. I'll do my absolute very best to support others who are thinking of taking that journey. The more entrepreneurially-minded people we have in the world, the brighter the future".

Paulina is a serial entrepreneur, a philanthropist and a cofounder of GrantTree. In the last five years the team grew organically from 2 to 30, and raised over £30million for over 500 clients using government funding schemes such as R&D; tax credits and Innovate UK grants. GrantTree is also an open culture company which is pioneering concepts such as total transparency (including salaries), trust, power, non-hierarchical self-organisation, and freedom.

Visit her website and follow her on Twitter @Payah and ‪@GrantTree

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