Survey: 1 in 5 Women Earn Less Than Men For Same Work
Wage inequality is an important--and complex--issue. CareerBuilder surveyed 3,200 workers and more than 220 human resource managers from around the United States to assess knowledge and feelings on the issue. The survey found, among other things, that 55 percent of respondents believe there is pay inequality--which means 45 percent do not believe it, an issue that still needs work. Also interestingly, one in five human resources managers surveyed admitted that women do not earn the same pay, even for the same work. Click through to read over the other findings: The more we learn about this issue and the more we speak out, the closer we are to closing the wage gap.
CareerBuilder - Today, gender equality in the workplace is top of mind for politicians, activists, business leaders and workers. According to a new CareerBuilder survey, more than half of workers (55 percent) do not believe men and women are paid equally for the same job, and a similar proportion (51 percent) do not feel men and women are given the same career advancement opportunities.
A significant number of employers agree with 20 percent of human resource managers admitting that women do not make the same wages as their male counterparts at their organizations.
More than 3,200 workers and more than 220 human resource managers in the private sector across industries participated in the nationwide survey, conducted online by Harris Poll on behalf of CareerBuilder from November 4 and December 1, 2015.
Salary Comparison
Taking a closer look at pay comparisons, men were nearly three times as likely to report earning six figures and nearly twice as likely to earn $50,000 or more. Women were twice as likely to report earning less than $35,000.
Read the rest of the findings here.