The Sexist Reason Millennial Women Aren't Investing

df5f49f2c3a8401e04292f58350347c1.jpeg - If you have a little extra dough, what do you do with it? According to the results of a new survey, as long as you're a millennial woman, you don't invest it. In fact, a full 79 percent of millennial women don't play the stock market—and we know why. You can probably guess: sexism.

It's not the weight of student debt, like you might think. Only 13 percent of women say school loans keep them from investing their money. Rather, the Harris Poll survey, commissioned by investment app Stash, found that 76 percent millennial women think investing is confusing, while 60 percent think investing is an old white man's game—and gain, apparently. (A separate recent survey shows 10 percent of women believe Wall Street pays more attention to men than women.)

What's more, even if millennial women could move past the mental barriers keeping them from investing, they don't think they have the money to do so. Almost half—41 percent—of millennial women feel they don't have enough cash to invest in the stock market. And even more think they need beaucoup bucks to get started. According to the survey, 70 percent of millennial women think they need at least $100 to invest, while 38 percent think they need at least $1,000 to get started.

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