Why men earn 57% more from their investments than women

thisismoney.co.uk - Women's investment income is lagging behind men's by more than 50 per cent - far outstripping the gender pay gap and causing them to miss out on an average of £1,372 per year.

Men typically earn £3,794 annually from their investments, compared with £2,422 for women, according to research by private equity investment specialist Radius Equity.

The suggested reasons for this are a combination of women tending to have less income to put into investments because of the gender pay gap, and that the investments they take out often reflect a perceived lower appetite for risk than men.

Missing out: Women earn an average of £1,372 less than men every year on their investments

The company analysed figures from Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs that show men are 20 per cent more likely than women to invest in a stocks and shares Isa.

Investing in an Isa brings a greater risk but also typically a higher return than a cash Isa.

Of the women who took up an Isa in the 2012-2013 tax year, 5.9million or 82 per cent of chose to go for a cash-only product.

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