Great News: Women Owned Businesses Growing, Thriving, Employing More

We loved this article from Take the Lead Women, all about how women are literally leading the way. Read the whole story for some amazing details. Women business owners are true trailblazers, and as they succeed they're paving the way for countless others! - The 11.3 million women-owned firms in this country are performing five times better than the national average of businesses, employing close to 9 million people and generating over $1.6 trillion in revenues, according to the latest American Express OPEN report.

Just to repeat for the record, that was trillion with a “t.”

The greatest growth in these companies owned by women is shown by companies owned by women of color.

In all women-owned businesses, “Comparative employment growth is even stronger. Employment in women-owned businesses has increased by 18 percent since the recession, while among all businesses employment has declined 1 percent since 2007,” the report showed.

While not at parity, women own 38 percent of small businesses in this country and revenues are increasing at a more brisk pace. “Business revenues among women-owned firms have increased by 35 percent since 2007, compared to 27 percent among all U.S. firms – thus at a rate that is 30 percent higher than the national average.”

While overall employment growth across sectors has been stalled, “employment in women-owned firms, which – according to this report – is up 18 percent  since 2007 compared to a percent decline among all U.S. firms,” the report shows. Firms owned by women with 50 to 99 employees, have seen a 27 percent increase in employment since 2007.

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